GDPR came in effect, therefore I belive I should have a page such a this on my website.
This page covers everything, and I’m going to try and keep it as short & simple as possible. Consider this paragraph as the Disclaimer: I maintain this site, and write about stuff. If any errors are brought to my attention, I will try and correct them. I however accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site. I only write random things which should not be that important as to be legally challenged. I try to keep the things on this site on the same level as if you were talking to me in a bar. Reproduction is authorised, provided you acknowledge me, unless otherwise stated. Also, no citing any text on this website out of context. Either share the whole thing or nothing at all.
On Privacy
I am a big proponent of Privacy and the Protection of Personal Information. You can read the stuff on this website without compromising your privacy at any time. No personal information is required. You can give your personal information if you comment or something like that, but it’s up to you. I do not collect any personal information. I have set up this site to respect Do Not Track requests.
What I do use, is Google Analytics. I like to know how many people visit this site, and whether they read through the whole post. That’s about it. Also, I allow comments. The whole commenting process designed by WordPress needs cookies to make it easier for you to leave comments, and if you use Gravatars, then a hash of your e-mail is involved as well.
So it’s because of Google Analytics and WordPress that Cookies are used. If you don’t like Cookies, throw them out, and go buy some ice cream. If you don’t know what Cookies are, learn more here.
For anything else relating Privacy, Cookies, Data Protection, GDPR requests, contact me.